Zak S. Edmonds

Zak S. Edmonds is a business development specialist at OSF HealthCare with a focus on employer relations in the Greater Peoria region. Among other duties, he promotes OSF products and services, serves as a liaison with business partners, and represents the company at employer-sponsored events. In 2020 his role expanded to include occupational health duties, helping to set up protocols for new hire physicals, substance testing, flu shot clinics and more. He also helped expand the Healthy Workplace Event series into each of the communities in which OSF operates.
An active volunteer, Edmonds sits on the Crittenton Centers Board of Directors and is serving as emcee for its 2021 Festival of Trees fundraiser. As a member of the Monmouth College Alumni Board, he assists with fundraising, outreach and other activities, earning the Young Alumnus Award in 2020. He also sits on the Creve Coeur Club Executive Board, where he chairs the house committee and has been instrumental in recruiting new members.
As an ambassador for the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce, Edmonds has served in multiple leadership positions, assisting with recruitment, special events and pandemic relief efforts. He is also an ambassador for the East Peoria Chamber of Commerce, serving as co-chair from 2018 to 2020 and helping to recruit new Chamber members and ambassadors. He was named the East Peoria Chamber’s Ambassador of the Year in 2020 and the Peoria Area Chamber’s Ambassador of the Year in 2020-2021.
Edmonds is a longtime volunteer and past board member for the Hult Center of Healthy Living, serving on multiple event committees, and has served on the HOPE (Helping Our Patients Everyday) young professionals group through Children’s Hospital of Illinois, chairing the group in 2019. He is the public service chair for the Central Illinois Association of Health Underwriters, leading its annual golf outing committee; a past board member of the Beau Grant Foundation; cofounder of the Friends of Richland Youth organization; and former head coach of the Dunlap High School lacrosse program.
A former volunteer firefighter, Edmonds founded the West Peoria Golf Classic to raise funds for the West Peoria Fire Department. He now serves as an alderman on the West Peoria City Council, sitting on the transportation and public safety committees. PM